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We are experts for the recruitment and provision of highly qualified IT specialists and one of the leading IT recruitment agencies on the Austrian market.

fast - flexible - competent

iTEC services

iTEC specialises in recruiting qualified and motivated IT specialists according to its customers´ individual demands and needs.

contacting iTEC

Schlachthausgasse 10, 1030 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-786 49 27-0 

Fax.+43-1-786 49 27-99
Mail. |  Web. 


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TEC Group

The TEC group was established 1999 when a few successful IT companies joined forces to generate synergies between flexible company units with special know-how and therefore maximize the quality and benefit for their customers.



Credibility is in our DNA. We say what we do and we do what we say. It is our duty to keep our commitments.


Schlachthausgasse 10  |  1030 Vienna

Tel. +43-1-786 49 27-0  |  Fax.+43-1-786 49 27-99
Mail.  |  Web. 

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